I was raised Irish Catholic and attended a Catholic School until 5th grade. I met all of my metaphysical teachers at the age of 15, they were all wonderfully empowered crones. I received a past life regression at that time which SAVED me. I needed to know why I was different in my feelings on things. I didn't view things from the same place as the people around me, and was very confused by my intution. I thank the divine for placing these crones in my life and having a doorway of my Aunt which gave me the tools that I needed. I Married a Protestant Minister's son. Lived in a very strict Christian Commune from age 20-30 while studying metaphysics. I had and still do have, many teachers, and embrace always being a student, as we all should! As so many of the workers here, learning and teaching at the same time is very difficult, so having your path and doing it is the only way we can move from this age to the next.